Ngāruahine uri have access to warm and healthy housing.
Ka Uruora was developed in partnership with iwi to help uri achieve financial independence by offering savings, education and home ownership opportunities.
Te Korowai also offer Ka Uruora Financial Literacy Training Programme for whānau in Te Hāwera.
We have 110 Ngāruahine uri registered with Ka Uruora and 55 uri who have completed the Financial Literacy Programme.
Achieve your financial goals with Ka Uruora Taranaki
Te Korowai has completed desktop kāinga feasibilities and financial analysis on 16 properties that are currently owned by marae and hapū or about to be received back by hapū as part of Te Korowai’s Land Reacquisition Programme.
These include a mix of Deferred Selection Properties (DSP’s), Right of First Refusal (RFR) and marae properties.
The purpose of the desktop feasibilities and financial analysis is to confirm if the properties are suitable for kāinga development, relative development cost and viability so land trustees can make informed decisions about kāinga development on their whenua.
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka ora taku toa.
© All rights reserved Te Korowai o Ngaruahine Trust