Ngāruahine uri are inspired to determine their own career pathway. Ngāruahine uri experience equity in education, training and employment.
In December 2021 Te Korowai Board approved the Ngāruahine Procurement Strategy and Plan - Te Ara Toiroa (Pathway to Whānau Prosperity).
This strategy originated from Ka Ora Taku Toa, our 5 year strategy under the Mahi Pou and hapū aspirations. Its aim is to achieve better outcomes for uri in education, career development and economic opportunities.
At the heart of this strategy is the deliberate act of privileging uri, hapū, marae and iwi, and creating a self-perpetuating Ngāruahine economy and wellbeing for uri - building the Ngāruahine economy through our procurement initiatives with Ngāruahine at the helm.
The aim of this programme is to support our Pupuke te Hihiri objectives by developing commercially viable businesses on our own land (uri, hapū, marae) in turn providing employment opportunities for uri - a circular economy in action. Since the previous AGM, Te Korowai has been working with the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) to support Ngāruahine landowners to investigate alternative land development opportunities. The first stage has seen the completion of the Ngāruahine Land Stocktake which confirms that we have in excess of 1,782 hectares of land (113 land blocks) in our takiwā. This land may be considered for alternative land development feasibility (mix of marae, hapū, Māori freehold and reservations).
The role of Te Korowai is ‘facilitator’. A full analysis of that whenua is underway and when completed, Te Korowai will have a clearer understanding of what whenua we have in our rohe, who owns or administers it and where there is potential for development. The engagement process will involve promoting MPI’s alternative land use Programmes, securing buy-in and supporting uri owners and administrators to the investment ready stage of their development option.
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka ora taku toa.
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