Our natural environment is protected for generations to come.
Multiple renewable energy projects are being proposed for the Taranaki region. The government is driving the development of these projects by incentivising investment and expertise from overseas. We held a series of online workshops in June 2022 to ascertain the values and outcomes that are important for Ngāruahine uri. Climate change is an issue that often marginalises indigenous peoples and ignores their ability to define problems for themselves. Viable solutions are also used to keep indigenous peoples oppressed and the subject of ongoing inequity.
The Alternative Energy Position Statement outlines our expectations of how and where development occurs, and the engagement undertaken with mana whenua by developers. It has been approved by Te Korowai Board and was published in February 2023
Click the document to view a copy of the position statement along with other strategic Department of Conservation documents.
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka ora taku toa.
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