With the guidance of his whānau Dion channels his energy into kaupapa that bring positive outcomes to whānau, hapū and the community. He has a Bachelor of Environment and Society and a Masters in Environmental Planning, both from Lincoln University.
He is currently a Trustee on the Ngāti Tū Hapū Executive Committee and also one of three iwi representatives on the Regulatory and Operations Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council. Dion works for the Ministry for the Environment as Senior Advisor for Implementation Partnerships. In this role he supports the rollout of environmental policy and the building of relationships in the regions. Prior to this he worked as Pouuruhi Taiao - Environmental Lead for two and a half years at Te Korowai.
Dion brings to the table the knowledge and understanding of the unique council, iwi and hapū landscapes of South Taranaki. The environmental space has been and will continue to be challenging for our hapū and for Dion it is important that the cultural, social and economic development aspirations of Ngāruahine are also well supported, planned, and realised.
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka ora taku toa.
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