He Karere! He Karere!
E te hunga rangatahi e noho mai nei ki raro i ngā rekereke o maunga Taranaki.
He huinga rangatahi kei te haere!
He kaupapa whakahirahira nā Te Ūkaipō
He pōwhiri tēnei ki a koutou rangatahi Māori, reanga 16-30 te pakeke, haere mai rā, whakatau mai!
He huihuinga rangatahi whakakōtahi kia tupu te ora, kia tupu te māramatanga!
Kia pupuke te hihiri, kia pupuke te māhara,
i runga i te ara toinui, ara toiroa!
Te Ūkaipō is proud to present
Te Ūkaipō invites rangatahi Māori aged 16-30 to attend our kaupapa!
This kaupapa has been developed to provide rangatahi inspiration and exposure to opportunities that may contribute towards their career development.
Conference: Come, listen and participate in conversations with a special line up of speakers (yet to be announced) from a range of career sectors. They will present their mahi journey, the challenges, rewards and opportunities.
Expo: Following the conference, there will be a 2-hour expo with education and service providers from across the motu. You can explore the different areas and spend time with providers. Ngā Iwi o Taranaki will also be set up so you can register with them!
Bring any pātai you may have!!!
Dinner: Following the closing of the event we will all have hākari before departing.
(A detailed programme will be emailed to participants once confirmed)
Kia tiketike mai!
If you would like to attend please register below. There are limited spaces available!
Registrations close Sunday, 24 March 2024
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka ora taku toa.
© All rights reserved Te Korowai o Ngaruahine Trust