Ngaraina Brooks is deeply rooted in her commitment to her whānau, hapū, marae, and iwi. Raised by generous tūpuna, she has a solid foundation in kaupapa Māori across all its facets.
With a lifetime of involvement in kaupapa, Ngaraina has served in various governance roles, including Trustee, Chairperson, Committee member and Ringa raupā . Her extensive experience spans primary, secondary, tertiary and private education sectors and iwi PSGEs, aligning with her passion for her people, education, music, reading, and community kaupapa.
Ngaraina is committed to bringing her knowledge and experience to support hapū and iwi kaupapa across
different mediums. Her goal is to represent Te Korowai diligently, honestly and transparently.
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka ora taku toa.
© All rights reserved Te Korowai o Ngaruahine Trust