Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust (Te Korowai) is the Post Settlement Governance Entity established in 2013 as part of the Ngāruahine Settlement process and is the representative body for Ngāruahine iwi.
As the mandated entity for Ngāruahine, Te Korowai manages the settlement assets and carries out the objectives of the Trust as listed in the Trust Deed.
The objects of Te Korowai that are led by the Board are:
Te Korowai values Trustees who have strong and active relationships with their hapū and marae. Therefore, Te Korowai encourages and supports all Trustees to report to their hapū electorate using the information approved by the Board. By attending hapū meetings Trustees can facilitate opportunities for their whānau to discuss important kaupapa and then, advocate those aspirations at the board table. However, once elected Trustees are required to act in the interests of the iwi, not just the hapū electorate from which they were elected.
Trustees are elected for a three-year term; therefore, the next Trustee Election will be held in 2026. While Trustees are elected by hapū electorates they are accountable to Ngāruahine at large. Trustees are responsible for setting the strategic direction of the organisation, ensuring there are sufficient resources to achieve the strategic goals and report to the registered members and the annual general meeting.
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka ora taku toa.
© All rights reserved Te Korowai o Ngaruahine Trust