1. ‘E kore ahau e mate, kāore ahau e mate, ka mate anō te mate, ka ora anō ahau.'
Nā Tītokowaru
2. Ko Te Korowai o Ngāruahine (Te Korowai) te kaipupuru i ngā rawa o ngā whakataunga Tiriti
(PSGE) I whakatūria i te tau 2013 hei āpititanga ki te hātepe kerēme o Ngāruahine. Koia tonu
te māngai matua mō te iwi o Ngāruahine. Kei a Ngāruahine hoki te haepapa ki te whakaū i
ngā mō?ka Tiriti haere ake nei.
3. Ko te whakatau o Te Korowai, kia reo Māori te reo o te mahi. He aha ai? Hei whakamanahia
te reo, hei whakatauiratia i tōna mana ki te Kāwana . Nei te reo Māori e whakahua ana e
mātou ki te komi?
4. E whakahē ana mātou ki te pire nei, arā, ko te Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill.
5. Kei tēnei taunakitanga kōrero ngā whakaaro o Te Korowai, kua whakaahuangia e tō mātou
kaupapa, ā mātou rautaki, mahere, kaupapa here anō hoki ka kitea i tō mātou pae-tukutuku
6. Ko tēnei tauākī he mea kua tautokohia e te Tiriti o Waitangi (Tiriti), e te Ngāruahine Claims
Settlement Act 2016 hoki. E rua ngā whakaaro matua:
i. Ko te Tiriti, he whakaetanga ki waenga ngā rangatira o Niu Tīreni, o te Karauna. Tē
taea te rāwekeweke i tēnei Tiriti, ina kotahi anake te rōpū kua whakae?a. I
whakamanahia te pire o Ngāruahine hei ture i te tau 2016. Erangi i mua tonu mai o tēnei, ka hainatia e ngā rōpū e rua, arā, ko Ngāruahine, ko te Karauna i te puka tuku.
He Tika, me pēnei hoki te tukanga kia whakarerekē ai ngā āhuatanga o te Tiriti.
ii. Kore he kiko ki te pire nei. Ko te whakataunga o Te Taraipunara o Waitangi, o Te Tahu
o te Ture hoki - kāore rawa te pire e eke ki te taumata e tika ana. He pahupahu noa
te pire, hei whakaāraihia ngā tini pire e te Kāwanā - ko tātou o Aotearoa e noho
pororaru ana.
E noho mātāmua ana ko te rangatiratanga o ngā uri, ngā whānau, ngā hapū, ara, ko te iwi o
Ngāruahine. Kati te rāwekeweke i te Tiriti.
Hei whakakapī
12. Ko tēnei Pire, ka noho hei kaupapa tāmi i a mātou. E whakangū nei i a mātou, ngā hapū, te
iwi o Ngāruahine. He mahi Tūkino tēnei, e takatakahi ana i tā mātou rangatiratanga. Me
auka? te pire e te kōmiti nei, e te whare Pāremata.
24. E pīrangi ana a Te Korowai o Ngāruahine ki te tuku kōrero ki te Kōmiti.
Pai Marire,
Emma Gardiner
Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka ora taku toa.
© All rights reserved Te Korowai o Ngaruahine Trust