Key Board Messages – 23 Whiringa ā Rangi (November)
Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust Board (Board) held its first official hui of the new term.
A key theme that fell out of the hui was that of our mātāpono mahi kia tika. At the induction wānanga of the new Board, there were several kōrero that fall under the umbrella of ‘standing orders’, this includes, what do our mātāpono really mean? And how or why resolutions and hui were structured the way they were? There was also kōrero around our use of te reo Māori, and our expectations around its use in Board hui and material. These whakaaro led to reviewing how we structure our hui, and this edition of the key messages reflects that structure.
Awhi nuku, Awhi kerekere, Poua! Starting in the way we intend to continue
Awhi nuku | Embracing the whakaaro | Ko te awhi nuku, e kōrero ana ki te mahi ka nuku |
Awhi kerekere | Enthusiasm for the whakaaro | Ko te awhi kerekere, e kōrero ana mō te whakahihiko, te hīkaka hoki ki tā ngā kōrero o te awhi nuku |
Poua! | A united dedication to see the whakaaro realised | Waiho anō rā mā te kupu "Poua" e kōrero ake mō ana whakamāramatanga |
Kawa: Ensuring we are steadfast in compliance
Tikanga: Ensuring we perform and execute in a way that is tika
Pai mārire!
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka ora taku toa.
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