Key Board Messages – Paengawhāwhā 2024
Tēnei matou, ko ngā manu hiakai, e hiakai ana i te miro o te matauranga – koia te hua o te wānanga nei.
Continuing on our Pā based Board hui, we were at Te Aroha o Tītokowaru on Friday 19th. He mihi tēnei ki a Ngāti Manuhiakai, ki ngā komiti o te Hapū me te Pā hoki.
A key whakaaro that fell out of the hui was hiakai, particularly the insatiable hunger and curiosity that drives wānanga and strong decision making. This is reflected in the future focused joint wānanga sessions between Te Korowai Board and the leadership team, and the full day of governance training on Saturday 20th.
Ngāti Manuhiakai
We took the opportunity to hear from Ngāti Manuhiakai about their priorities. We acknowledged the two years of delays in responding to tono from Ngāti Manuhiakai, and the Board made a commitment to making a decision over the next quarter in relation to their tono.
Tiriti Claims Policy
We approved the new Tiriti claims policy. The policy introduces a decision-making framework to consider whether to escalate a claim to the Waitangi Tribunal (or any of the other tribunals or courts) regarding Ngāruahine rights and interests.
Ongoing compliance
To ensure we model ngā mātāpono, we also approved other policies and guidelines:
Te Kīwai Mauī
We received our quarterly update from Te Kīwai Mauī, this included progress on our priority projects:
Submissions for the Fast Track Approvals Bill has closed. We held a submission workshop to support uri to formalise their views on the Bill.
We urge you all to put pen to paper to write submissions for upcoming take –Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua Collective Redress Bill (the “Maunga Settlement Bill”) which closes 22 o Haratua and the Tiriti
Principles Bill which will go before select committee later this year.
We’ll keep you posted with that date as it comes to hand.
Wānanga – business model and engagement
The Board and leadership team came together to wānanga our business model and engagement. Whilst Te Korowai has strong strategies, this workshop ensured that our business model achieves those strategies and maximises benefits. Often, PSGEs fall into a space of working year by year or being output orientated. This wānanga made us reflect on how we use data analysis to monitor our performance, drive good decisions and how we can be tactful moving forward to maximise benefits for Ngāhuahine in the future.
Equally, we did a deep dive into engagement and how we prioritised engagement. We are overwhelmed by different rōpū and the pressure to engage. What planning can we put in place to ensure we aren’t distracted and that we stay focused on engagement with those who we serve – Ngāruahine.
Mahi whakangungu ā-Poari
The Board stayed overnight at Te Aroha Marae and together with Te Kīwai Mauī welcomed Institute of Directors facilitator Susan Huria, no Ngāi Tahu me Ngāi Tuahuriri, to deliver governance essentials training to Trustees, Directors and kaimahi. This was an excellent opportunity for whanaungatanga between the boards and to build on our understanding of governance best practice within a Group structure.
Pai Mārire!
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka ora taku toa.
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