Tēnā koe!
Ko te āhua nei, kua hopū koe, i te tono e paa ana ki ngā tūranga e wātea ana! Ngā mihi ki koe hoki.
We are in an exciting growth and development period.
We are excited to be working on Pupuke te Hihiri, our five year Whai Rawa (Impact Investment) Strategy (2022-2027). Endorsed by Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust in March 2023, the purpose of this strategy is to guide Te Korowai Group into investments that will provide a social, cultural, environmental as well as, economic return for the benefit of Ngāruahine.
Since signing the Ngāruahine Iwi historical treaty settlement with the Crown in 2014, we've seen our asset base grow from from $67.5m to $112m ($44.5m increase) for the year ending 31 March 2023. This was achieved through the implementation of a diversified and prudent investment portfolio. To date, these investments can be described as traditionally commercial, whilst being mindful of ethical considerations. This investment growth has meant we are now able to broaden its focus and include impact investments.
Pupuke Te Hihiri is aligned to our overarching strategy Ka Ora Taku Toa and is complimented by a suite of strategies in certain focus areas. This suite of strategies are essential for guiding our core work (investments, Hapū enablement, progressing our treaty settlement arrangements, advocacy and partnerships with community) so that we are intentional, creating the greatest impact and measurable value for our people.
We're on a roll. Our investment focus has turned even more towards generating meaningful direct benefits to ngā uri o Ngāruahine. In order to deliver successfully we need a Program Manager for two of our current Impact Investments that are in the Business Case stage. Please follow the links below for more information. There is a possibility that the right applicant could manage both programs.
Linked and attached to the RFP are documents which will help inform your proposal for this position(s).
Proposals are due on March 17 2024.
All relevant information is contained within the RFP however, if you have any queries, please contact Te Awa Johnstone at teawa@maui.nz.
Tūwhitia te hopo, mairangatia te angitū!
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka ora taku toa.
© All rights reserved Te Korowai o Ngaruahine Trust