Tēnā tātou e te iwi.
Our AGM is upon us. Make sure you arrive early to get a carpark whānau! The carpark is accessible from the Hastings Rd entrance (Omahuru Rd will be an exit only). When full, the paddock next door will be opened up.
We want everyone safe and well so if you haven’t RATs tested at home before you arrive, you can
do so when you get to the pā. Please allow 15 minutes to complete the testing process. Whakatau will start promptly at 9am and will be followed by kapu tii.
We’re encouraging all uri to pre-register at the email address below please, but a register will be circulated inside the whare.
The formal hui will commence at 10am.
All Ngāruahine uri are invited to attend.
9.00 am Whakatau
10.00 am Hui commences
We encourage all uri to register in advance for this event.
You can register, notify your apology or order a printed copy of the 2022 Annual Report, email info@ngaruahine.iwi.nz. A digital copy of the 2022 Annual Report will be available to download from our website after 26 August 2022, www.ngaruahine.iwi.nz.
This event is being live streamed for uri who cannot attend in person. Information
regarding the AGM live streaming will be shared on our Facebook page and our website.
In the event of Covid-19 disruptions, the AGM will be held remotely only.
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka mate ko te mate, Ka ora taku toa.
© All rights reserved Te Korowai o Ngaruahine Trust